Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Good morning Baltimore!" Or... wherever you happen to be. Yes, I finally did it. I have begun a blog, something I have wanted to do for months now. I can now put my adventures online, for friends and family to read. Maybe an occasional tirade- I don't know if you should look forward to those or not. ;)

My life- is wonderful! I'll probably be the one to update this blog, though I created it for our family (right now just Russell and I).

If you have any questions, please ask.

Here is a little bit about us to begin:

Russell- born April 27 in Canada. He loves hippos (I don't get it either). He also loves mac and cheese on a rainy day. A good game of chess is always at the forefront of his competitive side. He is kind hearted and very thoughtful. He loves getting to know people and making them laugh. The other day I heard him make the cable guy laugh- they'd met less than 15 min earlier. Not to mention that one of his favorite people in the world is his banker in Canada. (It has caused me to wonder- How does one become close to your banker? The idea was foreign to me at first) Grocery shopping is always fun with him. The cashiers are his new friends and sometimes our fellow shoppers are our guides to foods in the isle (though I venture to say they usually know as much as we do). :) Never a dull moment with Russell!!

Andrea- born June 25 in Utah. Angelic in every way. She counts every second as a precious diamond in a lost and dreary land. Loves to cook and beat her husband at every game out there. She is diligent and thoughtful and beautiful. Being kind is who she is and her mind is as beautiful as a rose in a field of thorns. She loves to go on bike rides and I am sure that one day she will convince me to be in some marathon of sorts. No matter what the weather is like she always loves half baked ice cream. She always has a funny joke and knows the exact time to say it.

The part about me (Andrea) was written by Russell. Don't believe most of it. Though, if you know me, or us, you know which parts are true. :) Russell kicks my trash most of the time playing games (unless it's a word game, like Bananagrams or Scrabble). And he is entirely too generous when it comes to my imperfections (which I usually appreciate greatly).

Russell and I got married last month- May 28. Yeah- I guess we still have the newly wed cheese (sorry if it makes you sick). :) But life is wonderful!!! We're currently living in Maryland for the summer and will move to Utah in the fall for me to finish school. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yea! You have a blog! I hope all is well with you guys! I would love an e-mail update on how the adventures are going. xoxo
